Avid /ˈæv.ÉĒd/ - showing great enthusiasm for or interest in something.

Producer, Singer/Songwriter, Musician

Sam // Avid Beats

Autistic 🌈 Vegan 🌱 Musician 🎹

Custom Services

Production, instrumentals mixing/mastering, tuning/editing, sample-making, guitar, singing/songwriting...


I Am Who I Choose To Be

Cece Alaniz, Avid Beats

"I am who I choose to be,

and I make sure that it's me..."

"I Am Who I Choose To Be" is a new 2025 melodic pop/trap and cloud rap song in collaboration between Cece Alaniz and Avid Beats. Cece wrote the lyrics and sung the main vocals, and Avid produced, arranged, mixed/mastered and harmonised. Cece's lyrics reflect on Carl Jung's powerful quote “I am not what happened to me, I am who I choose to become.” The quote and this song emphasise how we do not need to be defined by our past; that we can all change and become who we'd like to be. The inspiring and atmospheric mood of the ambient trap production sets a deep, resonant sound-bed for Cece's eloquent, motivational and authentic lyrics and singing.

Listen to Cece and Avid's first collaboration "Lenticular Cloud".

Latest Releases

Colour The Dark Days (5K Special)

Song and Music Video by Avid Beats


Mike Walsh, Avid Beats

SFX Sound Design Tutorial

How To Make Riser And Impact Effects

RESOURCES: download the sample I made in this video and download all my sample packs (including my drum kits, which I used in this video).