Guardians of Whitewebbs
Information last edited: 3rd December 2024
1. Name
The name of the group shall be “Guardians of Whitewebbs”.
2. Address
The group shall operate from Whitewebbs Park, Enfield EN2 9JN.
3. Mission Statement
The purposes for which we are constituted are to:
- Protect, conserve, and improve the entire green space and ecology of Whitewebbs Park now and for successive generations.
- Oppose any development of the park which endangers its ecosystem.
- engage in and support development and works in the park which support its flora and fauna.
- Engage in and support other works in the park with a human or social benefit which do not endanger its flora and fauna. (e.g. works to buildings)
- Promote and educate about rewilding, ecology, the environment (e.g. arboriculture and grassland), and wildlife.
- Organise any other activities desired by members that are not contrary to our purposes, e.g. arts or mindfulness sessions.
4. Membership
i) Eligibility
Membership is open to anyone wishing to further the group’s objectives, as outlined in the mission statement.
ii) Joining and Leaving
- Prospective members can join Guardians of Whitewebbs by completing a short Google form.
- Members’ personal information (name, address, email, and phone number) will be stored securely and managed in compliance with GDPR regulations.
- Participation in optional communication channels, such as the centrally controlled WhatsApp group or email list, is available for members who wish to stay updated.
iii) Voting Rights
Governance of the group will remain solely with the committee, which comprises the four founding members:
Sam Gracie Tillbrook (Chair)
Pratik Sampat (Treasurer)
Ed Allnutt
Benny Hawksbee
iv) Liabilities
The founding members (committee) are personally liable for any financial losses incurred by the group.
5. Objectives
The group's objectives are to protect, conserve, and improve the green space of Whitewebbs Park, and its flora and fauna; and to educate the public about, and involve it in, the life of the park.
6. Management Structure
i) Roles and Responsibilities:
The group shall be managed by the committee, who share equal responsibility for the group’s activities, and who may appoint such roles as they seem fit amongst themselves and the membership.
ii) Decision-Making Process:
Any decision may be called in to vote by a committee member, and agreed upon by a simple majority. A 50/50 split will be decided by the chair.
iii) Meetings:
Meetings should be held weekly whenever possible to discuss progress and plan activities.
iv) Duty to Participate
Committee members who fail to attend two successive meetings may have their continued committee membership reviewed by the other members, who may vote them out by a simple majority, with any casting vote made by the chair.
7. Activities
i) The group may undertake activities including:
- Organising nature walks and family-oriented events.
- Protesting against developments.
- Managing planning objections and coordinating potential legal challenges.
ii) Restrictions:
There are no specific restrictions on activities, provided they align with the group’s mission and UK law.
8. Funding
i) Sources of Funding:
- Fundraising events may be organised to support any group activities
- The group may seek funding from its membership and the public
- The group may seek partnerships, sponsorships and similar fiscal arrangements. It must consider, when doing so, whether a prospective partner engages in activities that are contrary to the group's stated purposes
ii) Management of Funds:
- Funds shall be managed by Pratik Sampat and transparently reported to the group.
9. Conflict Resolution
Disputes within the group shall be handled by a conflict resolutions officer appointed by the committee from the membership. If the CRO is themself implicated, this responsibility falls to the other committee members.
10. Dissolution
i) Process for Dissolution:
The group may be dissolved by a majority decision made by the committee. .Any member may call for the group to be dissolved, and if they can show that the group has knowingly or recklessly acted counter to its stated purposes, there ought to be an inquiry into whether it has done so to aid in the decision.
ii) Distribution of Assets:
Remaining funds or assets shall be distributed in a manner agreed upon by the founding members at the time of dissolution.
11. Legal Framework
i) Structure:
The group shall operate as an unincorporated association.
ii) Compliance:
The group shall comply with all relevant UK laws, including GDPR regulations for handling member data. Please see the GOWW Privacy Policy.
12. Media Engagement and Affiliations
i) Media Engagement:
Media interactions shall be led by individual committee members as needed, with a focus on building awareness and support.
ii) Affiliations:
The group may form such affiliations as it sees fit, but must be mindful of doing so only to further its stated purposes.
13. Constitution Review
This constitution shall be reviewed annually. It shall also be reviewed if circumstances change. Changes must be agreed by a simple majority of committee members and then separately by a simple majority of the membership.
14. Equality and Freedom from Harassment and Discrimination
- All members have a duty to ensure that the following agreement is upheld:
- Not to engage in bullying, not to engage in any discriminatory activity, in particular but not limited to transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, and religious persecution.
- Not to engage in, and immediately to signal to other members, sexual or other harassment.
Any committee member who, it is agreed by a majority of the committee, on the balance of probability engaged in such behaviour, will be asked to step down and not put themselves forward for at least one year.
This constitution was adopted on 3rd December 2024 by the founding members:
Sam Gracie Tillbrook
Pratik Sampat
Ed Allnutt
Benny Hawksbee
This page was built by Avid Beats, for the Guardians of Whitewebbs (GOWW). Avid Beats is a local music producer, chair of GOWW.